Tuesday 6 January 2015


Since Blogland first started, it has seen many Bloglandians, Derek's Blog's comment section is devoted to the Bloglandians of the present - people that are regulars or people that still visit every now or then. Today we lost Gemma, some of you know her as Chione Asahina, and even though I have been in Blogland for a little over one month, the blow still hurt more than anything I have ever felt before. Gemma was the first friend I have lost and probably won't be able to see her again. Anyway, with her goodbye today, I decided that we needed a Blog's comments section devoted to the Bloglandians that have left, so that we can leave them a message, or a goodbye we never got to say or an apology or whatever. So that is what this Blog is for. Obviously the people lost to us may not ever see these comments, but I just thought it might be a nice idea and something people might like to do.

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